Sapphire, a naturally found gemstone, commonly of transparent to translucent quality, is usually found from a pale blue to deep indigo range of colors. However, on some occasions, some varieties of sapphires are also found which are colorless, gray, yellow, pink, orange, green, violet and brown.
Most of the naturally found sapphires are uneven in the distribution of their colors and possess a special characteristic i.e. the color of the gemstone changes with the direction you view it from. This quality is known as being dichroic.

Sapphire is also one of the most popularly used gemstones in jewelry. While processing sapphires to make jewelry, changes in its temperature can lead to controlled change in the color thereby helping in the production of designer jewelry.
Blue sapphire gemstone (नीला नीलम रत्न) holds prominence in popular culture across India and the world. According to astrological beliefs, it is representative of the planet Saturn. Sapphire also allays any negative energy from Saturn that may have impacted your life.
The Neelam is a member of the Corundum family of gemstones. Corundum in popularly known to correct the negative planetary effects causes by the planet Saturn and wearing it in a piece of jewelry after taking due advice from your astrologer or priest might even leave lasting positive impacts on your life like peace and prosperity.
In popular Vedic astrology, the Neelam नीला नीलम रत्न is often hailed as one of the strongest and most impactful gemstones that produce quick results.
Historians and astrologers believe that it confers the following benefits on the wearer.
- It improves concentration and focus.
• It helps the wearer think clearly and make them more accurate decisions, therefore, this stone is highly recommended for students and working professionals.
• It is believed that the blue sapphire has immense health benefits, particularly related to ailments of the stomach. Wearing a blue sapphire may aid in improvement of the digestive system and reduce ailments of the stomach.
• Wearing a blue sapphire can help fight mental health issues as well. In difficult times like the one we are living in right now, this property becomes even more important, almost essential to consider as a health-booster. Wearing a blue sapphire helps in the reduction of issues like anxiety, stress and depression, issues that plague the country at large.
• Blue sapphires improve the capacity to meditate and enhance intellectual capabilities. Therefore, Neelam Stone (नीला नीलम रत्न) can offer immense benefits to professionals like doctors, scientists, writers et al.

Divine Connotation
The sapphire boasts of an illustrious past with historical accounts claiming that Moses was presented with the 10 Commandments on a platter that was constructed entirely out of sapphires. This and many other stories give it a divine connotation in myth and legend. Sapphires possess a value that is rarely matched by any other gemstone found in the natural world. Due to its divine connotation and unparalleled significance in astrological and historical realms, sapphires are also related with royalty. They have always been adorned by the highest of priests, kings and queens, members of religious institutions and politicians. Even the British Crown Jewels are adorned with multiple blue sapphires. Blue sapphire has widely been accepted as the symbol of wisdom and purity.
Sapphire’s Power
Sapphire, in different colors and forms, represents different assortments of energy that can leave an impact on the wearer. The Neelam, for instance, stands to represent the expansive energy of the blue sky. It is also associated with the time of the year that is believed to bring clearer outlooks and more positive energies that lead to the initiation of major emotional enhancement and change in the wearer’s life.
It is believed that Neelam gemstone also gives way to positive outcomes like faith, trust and responsibility in relationships making the wearer’s personal life more fulfilling and happy.
Sapphires are curious little gemstones that impact the wearer’s lives in ways that are not entirely visible to the clear eye. However, time has shown that wearers put their faith in the healing capacities of the gemstones.
What’s more? It need not be restricted to just a gemstone used for astrological corrections. You can wear it in engagement rings, bands, neck pieces and all other kinds of designer jewelry. Truly, with the sapphire, the world is your oyster.